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Valentyn Stetsyuk (Lviv, Ukraine)

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Literature. B. Scientific Works and Sources. L – Z.


ACNW – Drevniye kul'tury Severo-Zapadnogo Prichernomor'ya – (Rus) – Ancient Cultures of the North-Western Black Sea region (Editor-in-chief: Bruyako I.V., Samoilova T.L.) 2013. Odessa. SMIL.

AEAE – Archaeologia, Ethnologia i Antropologia Yevrazii. Zhurnal. – (Rus) – Archaeology, Ethnology, and Anthropology of Eurasia. The jornal. Novosibirsk.

AISZP – Sb. Arkheologicheskie issledovaniya Severo-Zapadnogo Prichornomor’ya. – (Rus) – Ms: Archaeological researches of the North-West Pontus.

AS – Anton Scherer. 1968. Die Urheimat der Indogemanen. – (In German) – The Urheimat of Indo-Europeans. Darmstadt.

ASSD – Arkheologicheskiye pamyatniki StrugoKrasnenskogo rayona Pskovskoy oblasti – (Rus) – Archaeological study of the Strugokrasnensky district of the Pskov region (Ed. Fedorov A.I.) Ridero.

BL – The Baltic languages and their Interconnections with the Slavic, Finno-Ugric and Germanic Languages. The Theses of Reports of Scientific Conference Dedicated 100 Anniversary of Academician Ja. Endzelin. Riga.

BCIA – Kratkiye soobshcheniya Instituta arkheologii – (Rus)- Brief Communications from the Institute of Archeology. Moscow. "Nauka".

CAS – Svod arkheologicheskikh istochnikov – (Rus) – Code of Archaeological Sources.

CPCS – Kul'turnyye protsessy v tsirkumbaltiyskom prostranstve v rannem i srednem golotsene – (Rus) – Cultural Processes in the Circum-Baltic Space in the Early and Middle Holocene. Saint-Petersburg.

CYIE – Chuvashskiy yazyk: istoriya i etimologiya. (Rus) – The Chuvash Language: History and Etymology.

CS – Ms: Československā slavistika. – (In Czech and Slovak). – Czech-Slovak Slavistic.

EDRO – Sb. Etnos v doklassovom i ranneklassovom obshchestve. – (Rus) – Ms: Ethnos in the Pre-Class and Early-Class Community.

EEH – Essays on Ethnic History. Napolskikh V.V. Kazan.

EMN – Sb. Etnogenez mordovskogo naroda.- (Rus) – Ms: The Ethnogenesis of the Mordvin people.

EEINS – Sb. Etnogenez i etnicheskaya istoriya narodov Severa. – (Rus) – Ms: The Ethnogenesis and the Ethnic History of the North people.

EFUN – Sb. Etnogenez finno-ugorskikh narodov po dannym antropologii. – (Rus) – Ms: The Ethnogenesis of the Finno-Ugric People on Data of Anthropology.

EPI – Sb. Etnicheskie problemy istorii Tsentral’noy Azii v drevnosti. M. – (Rus) – Ms: The Ethnic Problems of the History of the Central Asia in Old Times. M.

ES – Evrei i slaviane. Tom 16. Khazary. – (Rus) – Ms: Jews and Slavs. V. 16. Khazars. Moscow – Jerusalem.

FRSN – Sb. Formirovanie rannefeodal’nykh slavianskikh narodnostey. M. – (Rus) – Ms: The Formation of the Early-Feudal Slavic Folks. M.

HBK – Istoria Balkarii i Karacjaya v trudakh Ismaila Mizieva. V triokh tomakh – (Rus) – History of Balkaria and Karachay in Works of Ismail Miziev in three Volumes. Nalchik. Izdatelstvo M. and V. Kotlarovs.

HYAD – Zabiela Gintautas, Baubonis Zenonas. 2016. A Hundred Years of Archaeological Discoveries in Lithuania. Vilnius. Tranalated by Jeffrey Arthur Bakanauskas. Vilnius. Lietuvos kultūros taryba.

FS – Cb. Budushcheye nauki. – (Rus) – Ms: Tuture of Science. M.

IOSPE – Inscriptiones antiquae Orae Septentrionalis Ponti Euxini graecae et latinae

IPO – Istoriya pervobytnogo obshchestva. M. (Rus) – The History of the Primordial Community.

IVUCY – Sb. Issledovaniya vengerskikh uchenykh po chuvashskomu yazyku. – (Rus) – Ms: The Research of Hungarian Scientists in Chuvash. Cheboksary.

K – Kiev.

KISV – Khrestomatiya po istorii srednikh vekov. – (Rus) – The Reading Book in the History of the Middle Ages.

KSS – Chochorowski Jan (Ed.) Kimmerowie, Scytowie, Sarmaci. 2004. Kraków.

LCP – Language Contacts in Prehistory. Studies in Stratigraphy. Ed. by H. Andersen. Amsterdam, Philadelphia.

SLO – Wind Jan, Jonker Abraham, Allott Robin, Rolfe Leonard. 1994. Studies in Language Origin. Volume1//John Benjamins Publishing Company/ Amsterdam/Philadelphia.

M – Moscow.

MKSA – Sb. Mezhdunarodnyy kongress slavianskoy arkheologii. Tezisy dokladov sovetskoy delegatsii. – (In Russian) – Ms: The International Congress of the Slavic Archaeology. The Theses of the Reports of the Soviet Delegation. M.

MFW – Mify narodov mira. 1991. Entsiklopediya. M. – (Rus) – Mythos of the Folks of World. Encyclopedia. M.

Ms – Miscellany.

MWM – Zbirnyk prats' i materialiv na poshanu Larysy Krushelnytskoi. (In Ukrainian) – Miscellany of Works and Materials to the Honour of Larysa Krushelnytska.

NPYK – Novye pamyatniki yamnoy kul’tury stepnoy zony Ukrainy. – (Rus) – Ms: New Sites of The Yamna (Pit) Culture of the Ukrainian Steppes.

NWPCZ Severo-Zapadnoye Prichernomor’ye – kontaktnaya zona drevnikh kultur – North-Western Pontic Region – Contact Zone of Ancient Cultures.

OBY – Osnovy balkanskogo yazykoznaniya. Yazyki balkanskogo regiona. Otv. Red.. A.V. Desnitskaya. – (In Russian) – Ms: The Principles of the Balkan Linguistics. The Languages of the Balkan Region. Edited by A.V. Desnitskaya.

OIY – Osnovy iranskogo yazykoznaniya. Drevneiranskie yazyki. Otv. redaktor V.S. Rastorgueva. – (In Russian) – Ms: The Principles of Iranian Linguistics. The Old-Iranian Languages. Edited by V.S. Rastorgueva.

OLA – Obscheslavianskiy lingvisticheskiy atlas. Nauka. M. – (Rus) – Common Slavic Linguistic Atlas. Nauka. M.

PAPP – Problemy arkheologii Povolzh’ya i Priural’ya. – (Rus) – Ms: The Problems of the Archaeology of the Volga and Ural Regions.

PBAGS – Problemy epokhi bronzy Velikoy Stepi – (Rus) – Ms: The Problems of Bronze Age of Great Steppe.

PGP – Pam’yatki gal’shtats’kogo periodu v mezhirichchi Visli, Dnistra i Prip’yati. – (in Ukrainian) Ms: The Remains of Hallstatt Period in the Country Between Rivers Vistula, San and Prypiat.

PSA – Problemi suchasnoї arealogiї. – (In Russian) – Ms: The Problems of Modern Arealogy.

Rus – In Russian

RA – Rossiyskaya Arkheologia – (Rus)- The “Rusiian Archaeology”. M.

RAS – Russian Academy of Sciences

RH – Rossiyskaya istoriya – (Rus)- Russian History. Institute of Russian History, RAS. Moscow.

SA – Sovetskaya Arkheologia – (Rus) – The journal “Soviet Archaeology”. M.

SLO-1 – Wind Jan, Jonker Abraham, Allott Robin, Rolfe Leonard. 1994. Studies in Language Origin. Volume 1//John Benjamins Publishing Company/ Amsterdam/Philadelphia.

SLO-2 – Raffler-Engel, von Walburga, Wind Jan, Jonker Abraham. 1991. Studies in Language Origin. Volume 2//John Benjamins Publishing Company/ Amsterdam/Philadelphia.

SPb – Saint-Petersburg.

SS – Sovetskoye Slavianovedienie – The journal “Soviet Slavistic”. M. – (Rus).

TC – Trade and Civilisation. Edited by Kristian Kristiansen, Thomas Lindkvist, Janken Myrdal. Cambridge University Press.

TL – The Turkic Languages. Edited by JOHANSON LARS, CSATÓ. London and New York. Routledge.

TL – JOHANSON LARS, CSATÓ Á.É. 1998. The Turkic Languages. London and New York. Routledge.

TOKY – Sb. Teoreticheskie osnovy klassifikatsii yazykov mira. – (Rus) – Ms: The Theoretical Principles of the Classification of World Languages.

UAEY – Sb. Uraloaltaistika. Arkheologiya. Etnografiya. Yazyk. (Red. Ubryatov E.I.). – (Rus) – Ms: Uraloaltaistic. Archaeology. Ethnography. Language. Edited by Ubryatov E.I.

UI – Sb. Uralo-Indogermanistika. Balto-slavianskie yazyki i problema uralo-indoevropeyskikh sviazey. Materialy 3-ey balto-slavianskoy konferentsii 18-22 iyunya 1990 g. M. – (Rus) – Uralo-Indogermanistika: The Baltic-Slavic Languages and the Problem of the Uralic-Indo-European Connections. The Materials of the 3rd Baltic-Slavic Conference 18-22 July 1990. M.

URE – Ukraїns’ka Radyans’ka Entsiklopediya. – (In Ukrainian) – Ukrainian Soviet Encyclopaedia.

VDI – Vestnik drevniey istorii – (Rus) – Herald of Ancient History.

VY – Voprosy yazykoznaniya. – (Rus) – The journal “The Questions of Linguistics”. M.

WOC – Lyonnet Bertille and Dubova Nadezhda A. 2921. The World of the Oxus Civilization. London and New York. Routledge.

LAL B.B. 1978. Indoariyskaya gipoteza v sopostavlenii s indiyskoy arkheologiey. V sb. Etnicheskie problemy drevney istorii Central’noy Azii. M. – (Rus) – The Indo-Arian Hypothesis in Collation with Indian Archaeology. Ms: Ethnic Problems of Ancient History of Central Asia. M.

LAMB HAROLD. 1927. Genghiz Khan. The Emperor of Al Men. London. Thornton Butterwirth, Ltd.

LAMPRECHT ARNOŠT. 1983. Praslovanska geneza slovenštiny. CS. Praha. – (In Slovak) – Proto-Slavic Genesis of Slovak. Prague.

LAPTIEV V.V. 1970. Proiskhozhdenie i davnyaya istoriya slavian. Leningrad. – (Rus) – The Origin and Old History of Slavs. Leningrad.

LARIN B.A. 1959. O slovie yantar'. Sb. statiey posviaschennykh akad. Endzelinu. Riga.– (Rus) – About the word amber: Miscellanea dedicated Academician Ja. Endzelin.

LATHAM-SPRINKLE JOHN. 2018. One Alania or two? The question of a ‘dual state’ in the seventh to thirteenth century North Caucasus. Academia.

LATYSHEV V.V. 1899. Drevanosti Yuzhnoy Rossíi – (Rus) – Antiquities of South Russia. St. Petersburg.

LATYSCHEV BASILIUS. 1885-1901. Inscriptiones antiquae orae septentrionalis Ponti Euxini grecae et latinae. Vol. 1,2,3. Petropoli.

LAYPANOV K.T., MIZIEV B.V. 2010. O proiskhozhdenii tiurkskikh harodov – (Rus) – About Origin of Turkic Peoples. HBK.

LEBEDIEVA E.A. 1981. K etimologii chuvashskikh nazvaniy rybolovnykh snastey. Sb. Issledovaniya po etimologii chuvashskogo yazyka. Cheboksary. – (Rus) – To the Etymology of Chuvash Names of Fishing-Tackles. Ms: The Study on Etymology of the Chuvash Language. Cheboksary.

LEHR-SPŁAWIŃSKI T. 1946. O pochodzeniu i praojczyźnie Słowian. Pozna(. – (In Polish) – About the Origin and the Urheimat of Slavs. Poznań.

LEHR-SPŁAWIŃSKI T., ZWOLIńSKI P., HRABEC S. 1956. Początki języka ukraińskiego. В кн. Dzije j(zyka ukraińskiego w zarysie. Warszawa. – (In Polish) – Outset of the Ukrainian Language. In book: History of the Ukrainian Language in Sketches. Warsaw.

LEMAN V.P. 1991. Novoe v indoevropeisticheskikh issledovaniyakh. VY. №№ 3,4. – (Rus) – The New in Indo-Europeistic Studies. VY. №. 5.

LEO the DEACON. 1988. Istoriya. M. Nauka. – (Rus) – History. M. Nauka.

LESIÓW MICHAŁ, 2000. The Polish and Ukrainian Languages: A Mutually Beneficial Relationship. В зб. Cultures and Nations of Central and Eastern Europe, Essays in Honor Roman Szporluk. Ukrainian Research Institute. Harvard University.

LESOKHIN M.M. 1982. Vvedenie v matematicheskuyu lingvistiku. Minsk. – (Rus) – Introduction in Mathematical Linguistics. Minsk.

LEVINTON G.A. 1991. Sviaschenyi brak. MFW.M – (Rus) – Holy Marriage. MFW. M.

LEVITSKAYA L.S. 2014. Istoricheskaya fonetika chuvashskogo yazyka – (Rus) – The Historical Phonetics of the Chuvash Language. Cheboksary.

LEVKO O.N. 1990. Puti i kharakter rasseleniya slavian na territorii severo-vostochnoy Belorussii. MKSA. – (Rus) – Ways and Character of the Settling Slavs on the Territory of the North-East Belorussia. MKSA.

LIGETI LAJOS. 1971. Altayskaya teoriya i leksikostatistika – (Rus) – Altai theory and lexicostatisticsю VY. # 6.

LIGETI LAJOS. 1985. K voprosu ob “altayskikh” elementakh vengerskogo yazyka. IVUCY. – (Rus) – To the Question of “Altaic” Elements of the Hungarian Language. IVUCY.

LINDSTEDT JOUKO. 2014. Balkan Slavic and Balkan Romance: Fron congruence to convergence: Besters-Dilger, Juliane & al. (eds.). 2014. Congruence in Contact-induced Language Change. Berlin – Boston: De Gruyter.

LITTLETON C. SCOTT, MALCOR LINDA A. 2000. From Scythia to Camelot: A Radical Reassessment of the Legends of King Arthur, the Knights of the Round Table, and the Holy Grail (Arthurian Characters and Themes). Garland Publishing, Inc. New York & London

LITVINOV SERGEY SERGEYEVICH. 2010. Izuchenie geneticheskoy struktury narodov Zapadnogo Kavkaza po dannym o polimorfizme Y-chromosomy, mitochondrialnoy DNK i ALU-inserciy. Avtoreferat dissertatsii. Ufa. – (Rus) – The study of the genetic structure of the peoples of the Western Caucasus by data about polymorphism of Y-chromosome and mitochondrial DNA ALU-insertions. Abstract of the thesis. Ufa.

LITVINOVA L.V. 2002. O naselenii Yevropeyskoy Skifii (po antropologicheskim materialm mogilnika Mamai-Gora – (Rus) – On the Population of European Scythia (according to anthropological materials of Mamai-Gora burial). RA. # 3.

LIFSHITS MIKH. 1994. Giambattista Vico. Osnovaniya novoy nauki ob obshchey prirode natsiy – (Rus) – Giambattista Vico//Foundations of a New Science of the Common Nature of Nations. Moscow-Kiev. REFLbook-ИСА.

LOPASHOV Yu.A. 1990. Novogrecheskiy yazyk. OBY. Leningrad. – (Rus) – The New-Greek Language. Leningrad.

LOSEV A.F. 1991. Apollon. MFW. M. – (Rus) – Apollo. MFW. M.

LOZE I.A. 1990. Etnokul’turnaya situatsiya v basseyne verkhnego i srednego techeniya Daugavy i Dnepra v epokhu ranney bronzy (po arkheologicheskim dannym). UI. Ch. 1. – (Rus) – The Ethno-Cultural Situation in the Basin of the Upper and Low Daugava and Dnieper in the Early Bronze Age (On Archaeological Data). UI. P.1.

LUBIN V.P. 1998. Peschery Kavkaya i czelovek v predistorii s v istoricheskoe vremia – (Rus) – Caves of the Caucasus and the man in the prehistory and in historical time. Arkheologіa. # 4.

LUCIAN with an English translation by A.M. Harmon in eight volumes. 1913. Volume V. Toxaris and Friendship. London. William Heinemann Ltd. Cambridge, Massachusetts. Harvard University Press. MCMLXII.

LUNEAU ELISE. 2021. The End of the Oxus Civilisation. WOC.


LYSENKO S.D. 2005. Abslutnaya khronologia Tshynetskogo kulturnogo kruga. PBAGS. Lugansk. Globus – (Rus) – Absolute Chronology of Trzciniec Cultural Range. PBAGS. Ms. Lugansk. Globus.

LYSENKO S.D 2012. Tshinetskiy kul'turnyy krug i problemy perekhoda k rannemu zheleznomu veku v Severnoy Ukraine – (Rus) – Trzciniec Cultural Circle and Problems of Transition to the Early Iron Age in Northern Ukraine // Russian Archaeological Yearbook. No. 2. / Ed. L. B. Vishnyatsky. Publishing house of St. Petersburg university.

LYTKIN V.I. 1975. Permsko-iranskiye yazykovyye kontakty – (Rus) – Permian-Iranian language contacts. VY. No. 3.

MACHINSKIY D.A. 1974. Kel’ty na zemlyakh k vostoku ot Karpat. Sb. Kel’ty i kel’tskie yazyki. M. – (Rus) – The Celts on the Country Easter of Carpathians. Ms: The Celts and Celtic Languages. M.

MACHINSKIY D.A. 1981. Migratsii slavian v I tisyacheletii n.e. FRSN. M. – (Rus) – Migration of Slavs in the 1st Mill AD. FRSN. M.

MACHNIK J. 1982. Studia nad kulturą ceramiki sznurowej w Małopolsce. Wrocław – Warszawa – Kraków. Zakład Narodowy im. Ossolińskich. – (In Polish) – The Study on Culture of Corded Ware in Little Polen. Wrocław – Warszawa – Kraków.

MADIAR-NOVAK VIRA 2006. Zakarpattya v koli naukovikh interesiv Volodimira Hoshovs’kogo. Zb. Pamyati Volodimira Hoshovs’kogo. 1922-1996. L’viv. – (In Ukrainian) – Transcarpathia in the Sphere of Volodymyr Hoshovsky’s Activity. Ms.: In Memory of Volodymyr Hoshovski. 1922-1996. Lviv.

MAGIDOVICH I.P., MAGIDOVICH V. I. 1970. Istoria otkrytia i issledovania Yevropy. – (Rus) – A History of Discovery ans Research of Europe. M.

MAKHORTYKH S.V. 1991. Skify na Severinom Kavkaze. K. – (Rus) – The Scythians on the North Caucasus. K.

MAKHORTYKH S.V. 1997. Kimmeriytsy. Nikolayev. – (Rus) – Kimmerians. Nikolayev.

MAKHORTYKH SERGEY VLADIMIROVICH 2008. Kul'tura i istoriya kimmeriytsev Severnogo Prichernomor'ya. – (Rus) – Culture and History of the Cimmerians of the Northern Black Sea Region. Dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Historical Sciences.Kiev.

MAKSIMOV E.V. 1982. Zarubinetskaya kul’tura na territorii USSR. K. – (Rus) – The Zarubynets Culture on the Territory of Ukrainian SSR. K.

MALIKOV A.V. 2017. Samonazvanie uzbek i yego transformatsia (po istochnikam XV – pervoy poloviny XVI v.) . – (Rus) – The self-name of the Uzbek and his transformation (according to the sources of the 15th – first half of the 16th century) //Voprosy etnogeneza i etnicheskoy istorii narodov Sredney Azii. Vypusk 2. Lap. Lambert academic publishing.

MALKOVA O.V. 1984. K istorii obrazovaniya vostochnoslavianskikh yazykov. VY. № 4. – (Rus) - To the History of Formation of the East-Slavic Languages. VY. № 4.

MALLORY J.P. 1997. Indoyevropeyskie prarodiny. VDI. #3. – (Rus) – Indo-European Urheimats. VDI. #3. M.

MALOLETKO A.M. 1990. Peredneaziatskie elementy v yazyke i onomastike vasyuganskikh khantov. UI. Ch. 2. – (Rus) – The For-Asian Elements in the Langiage and Onomastics of the Khanties of the Basin of the Vasiugan. UI. Ch. 2.

MALTSEV OLEG. 2020. Posledniy prorok Yevropy – (in Russian) –Maestro. The last prophet of Europe. Odessa. Publishing house "Patriot".

MANDELBROT B. B. 1982. The Fractal Geometry of Nature. San Francisco. W.R. Freedman and Comp.

MANN STUART E. 1943. Die Urheimat der “Indoeuropäer”. AS. Darmstadt. – (In German) – The Urheimat of „Indo-Europeans“. AS. Darmstadt.

MANZURA. I.V. 2013. Ocherk razvitiya eneoliticheskikh kul'tur Severo-Zapadnogo Prichernomor'ya – (Rus) – Essay on the development of the Eneolithic Cultures of the North-Western Black Sea Region. ACNW.

MAŃCZAK WITOLD. 1981. Praojczyzna Słowian. Wrocław-Warszawa-Kraków-Gdańsk- Łódź. – (In Polish) – The Urheimat of Slavs. Wroclaw-Warsaw-Kraków.-Gdansk- Łódź.

MAŃCZAK WITOLD. 1987. La position de l'albanais. Lingua Posnaniensis. Poznań – (In French) – The Position of Albanian. Lingua Posnaniensis. Poznań.

MAŃCZAK WITOLD. 1991. Prace indieuripeistyczne Rozwadowskiego. Biuletyn Polskiego tawarzystwa językoznawczego. zesz. XLIII-XLV. Kraków. – (In Polish)- Rozwadowski's Indo-European Works: Bulletin of Polish Libguistic Community. Is. XLIII-XLV. Kraków.

MARCELLINUS AMMIANUS. 2009. The Roman History of Ammianus Marcellinus. The Project Gutenberg EBook.

MARCO POLO. 1986. Von Venedig nach China. Die gröste Reise des 13. Jahrhunderts. Berlin. Neues Leben. – (In German) – From Venice to China. The Big Tour of the 13 cen. Berlin. Neues Leben.

MARK K.Yu. 1965. Etnogenez mordovskogo naroda po dannym antropologii. EMN. Saransk. – (Rus) – The Ethnogenesis of the Mordvin People on Anthropologic Data. EMN. Saransk.

MARK K. 1975 -1. Antropologiya pribaltiyskikh narodov. Tallin. – (Rus) – The Anthropology of the Peoples of the Baltic Region. Tallinn.

MARK K.Yu. 1975-2. Somaticheskie materialy k probleme etnogeneza finno-ugorskikh narodov. EEINS. M. – (Rus) – The Somatic Materials to the Problem of the Ethnogenesis of the Finno-Ugric Peoples. EEINS. M.

MARQUART J. 1901. Ērānšar nach der Georgaphie des Ps. Moses Xorenac'i mir historisch-kritischem Kommentar und historischen und topographische Excursen//Abhandlungen der Königlichen Geselschaft der Wissenschaften zu Götingen. Neue Folge/ Band III. Berlin. Weidmannische Buchhandlung.

MARR N.Ya. 1935. Knizhnyie legendy ob osnavanii Kuara v Armenii i Kieva na Rusi. Izbrannye raboty. Tom piatyi. Moskva – Leningrad. – (Rus) – Book-Legeng on Foundatiob of Kuar in Armenia and Kiev on Rus'. Selected Works. V. 5. Moskow-Leningrad.

MARR N.Ya. 1936. Izbrannye raboty. Leningrad. – (Rus) – Selected Works. Leningrad.

MARTIN JANET. 2006. Coins, Commerce, and the Conceptualization of Kievan Rus'//Pre-Modern Russia and its Word. Harrassowitz Verlag. Wiesbaden.

MARTYNOV V.V. 1982. Stanovlenie praslavianskogo yazyka po dannym slaviano-inoyazychnykh kontaktov. Minsk. – (Rus) – The Formation of the Proto-Slavic Language on Data of the Contacts of the Slavs with Other-Speaking Peoples. Minsk.

MARTYNOV V.V. 1983. Yazyk v prostranstve i vremeni. M. (Rus) – Language in Space and Time. M.

MASKAYEV A.I. 1965. Slaviano-mordovskie sviazi po materialam epicheskikh pesen. EMN. Saransk. – (Rus) – Slavic-Mordvin Connections on the Materials of Epic Songs. EMN. Saransk.

MASSON V.M., MERPERT N.Ya. 1982. Eneolit SSSR. M. Nauka. – (Rus) – Chalcolithic of the USSR. M. Nauka.

MASSON V.M. 1989. Vzaimodeystvie kochevykh kultur i drevnikh civilazaciy/ Alma-Ata. Nauka. – (Rus) – Interaction of Nomadic Cultures and Ancient civilizations. Alma-Ata. Nauka.

MATVEYEV A.K. 1965. Nekotorye voprosy lingvisticheskogo analiza substratnoy toponimiki. VY. № 6. – (Rus) – Some Questions of Linguistic Analysis of Substrate Place Names. VY. № 6.

MATVEYEV A.K. 1969. Proiskhozhdeniye osnovnykh plastov substratnoy toponimii russkogo Severa – (Rus) – Origin of the Main Strata of the Substrate Toponymy of the Russian North. VY.# 5.

MATVEYEV A.K. 1997. K problemie rassielenia letopisnoy meri: Izvestia Uralskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. #7. – (Rus) – To the Problem of Chronicle Merya : Reports of Ural State University. #7.

MATVEYEV A.K. 2015. Substratnaya toponimia Russkogo Severa. IV. Toponimia merianskogo tipa – (Rus) – Substrate Toponymy of the Russian North. IV. Toponymy of Merya type. Ekaterinburg. Publisher Ural University.

MATVEYEV Yu.P. 2005. O vektore rasprostranenia "kolesnichnykh" kultur epokhi bronzy – (Rus) – About the Vector of Spreading "Chariot" Cultures of the Bronze Age. RA. # 3.

MATVIYENKO V. 1966. O nekotorykh osobennostyakh zapisi ukrainskikh narodnykh pesen. Ukrainskoe muzykovedenie. – (Rus) – About Some Peculiarities of Recording Ukrainian Folk Songs. The journal: Ukrainskoe muzykovedenie.

MATVIYAS I.G. 1990. Ukraїns’ka mova i її govori. K. – (In Ukrainian) – The Ukrainian Language and its Dialects. K.

MAVRODIN V.V. 1978. Proiskhozhdenie russkogo naroda. M. – (Rus) – The Origin of the Russian People. M.

MAŽIULIS V 1973. Otnositel’no konservativnogo kharaktera baltiyskikh yazykov. BL. Riga– (Rus) – Concerning Conservative Character of the Baltic Languages. BL. Riga.

MEČKOVSKA NINA BORISOVNA 1985. Osebni zaimki v slovenskem i v vzhodnoslovanskih jezikih. Slavistička revija. Ljubljana. – (In Slovenian) – Personal Pronouns in the Slovenian and East-Slavic Languages: Slavistička revija. Ljubljana.

MEDVEDSKAYA I.N. 2000. O skifskom vtorzhenii v Palestinu – (Rus) – About Scythian Invasion of Palestine. VDI. # 2.

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