Field researches in the expedition "Dnister" (Ukr)
Conducted field research in the expedition «Dniester» of Lion Society, which operates in the Dniester Basin since 1988, were the result of a large volume of materials. A large part of them was used in the expedition members writing theses and dissertations, some published in scientific, popular scientific journals and in the media. Subjects of scientific work is very diverse and reflects the full range of field research expedition in the field of natural sciences and humanities. Some of the work may be unique and have been highly appreciated by specialists. These include thesis Miroslava Koshil (Lviv) the materials of chemical analysis of bottom sediments Dniester Reservoir, Sarah Phillips (Indiana University, USA), dedicated to specific methods of national treatment, Vadim Artyukh a cave of worship Pridnestrovie. Issued monograph «Research of the Dniester» is in great demand both among scholars and among the public nature conservationists. Some materials have the value that they recorded the ecological status of the Dniester for a certain period of time and can be compared with the results of new research in the future. Since there is no other state institution that conducted comprehensive studies Dniester basin from its source to its mouth, maintaining public Expedition Society Leo is in the interests of Ukrainian science and society as a whole.