Valentyn Stetsyuk (Lviv, Ukraine)
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+ News
+ Biography
The Compendium of Graphic-Analytical Studies of the Ethnogenetic Processes in Eurasia
+ Historical Macrolinguistics.
Stwal Etymological Table Database
Reasoning on the Origin of the Human Language
The Formation of the Sino-Tibetan Languages and their Speakers Migration
Far East: The Relationship of the Altaic and Türkic Languages.
+ Primary Settling of Eastern Europe and Asia by Homo sapiens
+ Nostratic Languages. Ethnogenetic Processes in East Europe and Asia till the Bronze Age.
+ Ethnogenetic Processes at the Iron Age.
+ The Scytho-Sarmatian Problems
Pechenegs and Magyars
Ancient Balts Outside the Ancestral Home
+ Opening of the Great Siberian Route
Anglo – Saxon Agonality
+ Onomastic survey in Eurasia
+ The Substratum Phenomena in Ethnogenetic Processes
Trypillian Roots in Ukrainian Culture
+ Literature. B. Scientific Works and Sources
+ Hypotheses
Concluding Remarks
Self-rule of Human Society
+ Self-expression of Ukrainians and Russians by proverbs
+ Field researches in the expedition "Dnister" (Ukr)
+ Historical sketches.
– Pen and Ink Activities
+ Publicism.
Конференція в Юрмалі
– Белетристика
+ Жахлива експедиція
+ Saved by Conscience
+ Екологічні есеї
+ Forming Ethnic Units in Prehistoric Times.
+ Analysis
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