Additional postulates
The fifth postulate – It is possible to determinate for correct graphic model of mutual arrangement of cognate languages only one region on the map, and this region can be at the place of the arising of those languages, if the amount of studied languages is sufficiently great.
The geographical spacing of the Earth is so diverse and the systems of ethno-generating areas are infrequent on it that it is impossible to find similarly arranged areas. Thus, if we can place this graphic model on a certain region at the map, it means that we can put it nowhere else. No change of map scale can modify this choice, because the change of the scale can’t produce similar large territories on the Earth. The connected centres of possible ethnogenic areas form complicated geometrical configurations with the shape of irregular polygons. For example, it is impossible to make a pentagon and a hexagon congruent, even if one changes their proportions and even distorts their forms to some degree. Thus, we can say that an obtained graphic model and suitable geographical territory have the same topological characteristic.
The sixth postulate – The evolution of particular languages from a parent unitary language starts simultaneously for they all after the settlement of the speakers of common language at the new territory if it is considerably bigger than their former Urheimat (native land) and has distinct geographical boundaries.
This branching will be vital determinant for the later history of these new languages. Once the languages had become differentiated, each of them went its own way and possible correspondences in their evolution are due to borrowing from the same sources or to parallel but independent working out of the same base material. In any case these agreements are to be eliminated from the material taken for the study.
The seventh postulate – Cultural advances and the migration of the people to new ecological conditions leads to the development of new words in its language.
The eighth postulate – The superposition of ethnoi doesn’t result the making of a new language.
While some ethnos migrated to new locality some part of population held on the own territory and newcomers stratified on them. As Czech scholar Lubor Niderle noted, in such case newcomers or hold your ethnic belonging or lose it according to their force” (KORČAK JAROMÍR, 1940, 7). Holding their ethnity, the newcomers adopt nevertheless some elements from the language of prior population.