English-Iranian Lexical Correspondences
The contacts between Anglo-Saxons and Iranian population in Pontic steppes was been reflected not only in the Arthurian and Holy Grail legends. Many Old-English-Iranian lexical correspondences evidence the same.
O.E. amber, -or, ember, O.H.G. ambar, Ger Eimer „pail, bucket”, presumed l.w. from L. amphora (this from Greek αμφορευσ) – Iranian ambar „storehouse“ (Pers. ämbar, Pash ambar, Kurd. e’mbar etc).
O.E. æfen „evening”, Ger. Abend „evening“, uncertain origin - Os. afon “time”.
E. babe, baby “a childish person”, supposed onomatopoeic of baby talk – Pers. bäby “child”, perhaps l.-w. from Trc (Kaz. bebe, Tat. bebi, Tur. bebek “child”).
E. bad, no apparent relatives in other Germanic languages – Pash, Yag. bad, Pers. bäd, Kurd. bed , all – „bad“.
O.E. becole „ghost, phantom, guise”, O.H.G. bechela „witch”, unknown origin – Pash bagewa “witch”.
O.E. beow „grain, corn”, O.S. beo, bewod „harvest”, O.Ic. bygg „corn” – Kurd. bûk „barley”.
O.E. bile „bird’s beak, edge”, E. bill, O.S. bil „sward“, O.H.G. bihal „hatchet“ – Kurd. bel „sticked, jutted”, bêvil „nose“, Os. bel, Tad., Gil., Yazg. bil all „shovel, spade“.
O.E. bredian „to shout, call”, unknown origin – Pash bêranda „shout”, Kurd birîn „shout“.
O.E. bredwian “to beat, defeat”, O.H.G. bretòn , unknown origin – Kurd. berîdan “to drive”.
O.E. briosa “gadfly, breeze”, E. breeze, unknown origin – Pash brez „bug, bed-bug”, vrêga „flea“, Sar. berga „flea“. Cf. bug.
E. bug „bed-bug” – Yag. bugalak “gadfly, breeze”. Cf. briosa.
O.E. bycgan „to buy“, E. buy, O.S. buggian, Goth.bugjan, unknown origin – Kurd. bayi “trade”, Os. wǽy “sale, selling”, Pash baha, Pers bahā „price“.
O.E. cæfan “to beautify” < *kaifjan, unknown origin – Pash gešeng, Pers. gäšäng, Kurd. geşeng, all – “beautiful”.
E. chop “to cut”, uncertain origin – Pers. čapidan, Yazg. caf-, Os. cǽvyn, all – „to beat, strike“.
E. chuck “to throw, hurl” – Kurd. çek “throw”.
O.E. cidan “quarrel”, E. chide, unknown origin – Kurd. cîdal, Pers. jedal, Yazg. ziday, all “wrangle”.
O.E. ciefes, cefes “girl, concubine”, O.S. kevis, O.Ic. kefsir, Ger. Kebse, unknown origin – Yag. zaif, Gil. zaifê, Tad. zavĵa, all – “wife”.
E. cog “tooth on a wheel”, Norw. kugg – Yag. ozax “tooth, wart”, Tad. kūz „hump“, Os. qozo „fungus“.
O.E. corđor “crowd, throng”, O.H.G. kortar “herd” – Os. qord “crowd, throng”.
E. dab, dabben “to strike” – Pash dabav “pressure”, Kurd. dabûn “to bend”.
O.E. deorc, dearc, E. dark, M.H.G. terken “to darken” – Pash tārik, Gil. tarik, kurd tarî, all – „dark“.
O.E. dott “nipple”, E. dot, O.H.G. tutta “nipple” – Yazg. dot “female bust”.
OE eard "fatherland, land, earth", анг. earth – Kurd erd, e'rd “earth, soil”.
O.E. efete “lizard”, E. eft – Pash api , Tad. afi “snake”.
E. fang „tooth“ – Tal. pinge “fang” from F.-U. (Mansi punk., Khanty pönk “tooth” a.o.).
O.E. feorm “food, supply, use” – Kurd. pirmal “rich”.
O.E. ferđing-wyrt “chamomile, Matricaria L.” – Kurd. pûrt “hair”, wurd “clean”. Chamomile is used for hair-washing.
E. fuck “koitieren” – Yag. fuzun “koitieren”.
O.E. gamen “joy, fun”, E. game, O.H.G., O.Ic. gaman – Kurd. geme “game”.
O.E. geat “gate, door”, E. gate, O.Ic. gat “hole” – Pash get. “gate”.
O.E. hogg „pig, hog“, E. hog – Pash xug, Pers. xūg, Gil. xuk, Tal. xüg, all - “pig, hug”, Os. x’ug “kow”.
O.E. hrace „jaws, mouth“, Ger. Rachen, – Yag. rax “jaws, mouth”.
E. jump “springen”, uncertain origin – Yag. jumb “to move”.
O.E. lagu (combining form lah-) „law“, E. law – Pash loxa “custom, custom law”.
E. leg , Swed. lägg “thigh” – Kurd. laq “leg”, Yag. laks “to go”.
O.E. maffa “eggshell”, unknown origin – Kurd. mef “tent”.
O.E. mamor(a) “deep sleep” – Kurd. mehmur, Pers. mäxmur „drunk, tipsy“, "calm", Tur. mamur „comfortable“, Karach., Balk. mamyrlyq „peace, calm“, Hung. mamor „intoxication, unconsciousness“, Kabard. mamyr „peace".
O.E. mođđe, E. moth, O.Ic. motti, Ger. Motte „moth“, uncertain origin – Yag. mĭtta “bread-moth”, Tad. mitta „moth“.
E. narrow - Os. narǽg, Kurd. narîn, Pash naraj “narrow”.
E. oar, Swed. åra “oar”- Tal. avar “Ruder” (from F.-U.).
O.E. pot, E. pot – Gil. påtil, Tad. potila “pot”, all from F.-U. (Fin. pata, Est., Veps pada, Mari pad “pot” a.o.).
E. push – Yag. fuzzon “to push”.
E. ram, Ger. Ramm „ram“ – Yag. ron “lamb”.
O.E. reo, reowe “cover” – Kurd. rav “cloud”.
O.E. riht, E. right, Ger. recht – Pash. rixtja “truth”. The root belong to I.-E. heritage, but Germanic and Pashto words coincide in meaning and phonetics best of all.
E. search – Pash surağ, Pers, sorağ “to search”.
E. send – Kurd. şandin “to send”.
O.E. spearca “spark”, E. spark, M.L.G. sparke - Pash spêrgêj “spark”.
O.E. teart “sharp, severe”, E. tart “sharp taste”, unknown origin – Os. tyrty “barberry” (of sour taste), Kurd. tirş „sour“.
O.E. tǽl, E. tall – Kurd. tala “height”, Gil. tal “mountain”, Tad. tal “hill”
O.E. tillian “to work, plough”, E. till “to cultivate land”, O.S. tilian „to obtain“, Ger. Zeile „line“, unknown origin – Os., tillǽg “corn, harvest”.
O.E. tìma “time”, E. time, O.Ic. timi „time“ – Kurd. dem “time”, Yag. damak “moment”.
O.E. tūsc “fang”, E. tusk – Os. tusk’a “wild boar” (“having fangs”).
O.E. weft, E. weft from "weave" - Os. wǽvd “weft”.
E. wherry “boat” - Pash berêj “ship, boat”.