Every state should be built on this principle, and the entire world on the fractal principle. The structuring of humanity horizontally and vertically should be reflected in an adequate form of governance of human communities as states. Such a form could be a system that can be called Regimentum Mixtum, which combines authoritarian and democratic forms. Such a division of sovereignty has a deep philosophical justification:
The observations made relate to events in Europe, so there may be nations whose psyche is less sensitive to the influence of solar activity. Obviously, there must be nations, among which the majority are balanced and insensitive to external influences people, and there are nations in which too emotional personalities predominate. The answer to this question can be given by appropriate genetic studies, which can give recommendations to politicians.
The most important property of the world systems is the cyclic, pulsatory character of their vital functions. Any system goes through periods of growth and crises, many systems disappear for different reasons. The explanation of the similar rhythm can be found in ecology because, in this field, the existence of the animal population cycles was revealed long ago. However, scientists have not arrived at the common conclusion of the reasons for similar cycles. Even for many decades, the question has been discussed if there is a stable correlation between solar activity, climate variations, and the number of animals. (KRADIN NIKOLAY N. 2013: 170).
The talent gene does not always manifest itself brightly for various reasons. But there are recessive genes that manifest themselves very well. These are the genes responsible for light hair and eyes. Blondes and blue-eyed children are born to spouses in which both parents have such traits. If one of the parents does not have this gene, then the children will have the traits of the dominant gene, which provides the traits of a brunette or brown-haired person. Thus, the number of blondes in any human society depends on how often blondes marry each other. If there is no such preference, then the number of blondes in society is uniformly minimized and correlates with the probability with which blondes in society marry each other.
Thus,Thus, the existence of dominant and recessive genes is aimed at only a limited number of people of a certain class, intelligence, etc. The majority of society has to use the knowledge obtained by the minority and carry out its will, which was emphasized by Toynbee.
The genetic load manifests itself as infertility and spontaneous abortions, miscarriages and stillbirths, congenital defects, mental retardation (SHNAYDER N.A., SHAPOVALOVA E.A., DMITRENKO D.V. 2010: 45).
The existence of dominant and recessive genes also affects the maintenance of the vitality of the human organism. Recessive unfavorable mutations in the homozygous state represent the "genetic burden" of humanity when the number of low-viability individuals in society increases uncontrollably. This is facilitated by the achievements of modern medicine in developed countries, which lead to life expectancy and the achievement of a fertile age for such individuals. As a result, the number of children born with hereditary pathology is growing, now more than 4,500 diseases are classified as genetic diseases. This cannot be called anything other than social regression:
In understanding humanity as a conglomerate of naturally formed ethnic units, competing with each other for survival. Historians evaluate and compare their achievements and try to find the reasons for their differences. Their works are of great interest to readers, which speaks to the naturalness of this interest. Among such historians, Oswald Spengler (SPENGLER OSWALD. 1920-1922) and Arnold Toynbee (TOYNBEE ARNOLD J. 1957) were the most widely read, translated, and discussed. Spengler studied the uniqueness of world cultures and considered them unique organic forms that underwent a cycle of emergence, blossoming, and perishing. Unlike Spengler, Toynbee did not consider the death of cultures inevitable, he more thoroughly examined the emergence, dawn, and decline of 26 human civilizations, and concluded that they flourished among them, which responded to the challenges of their existence, and those who could not do so perished. At the same time, Toynbee noted that success in overcoming challenges was ensured by a creative minority consisting of elite leaders (Encyclopedia Britannica. 2014. Arnold).
For further narration, it is necessary to reveal the content of the concept of an ethnic unit, which in historical terms is a variable phenomenon. Initially, it arises in ethno-forming areas in the form of a tribe based on a common gene pool and language: