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Valentyn Stetsyuk (Lviv, Ukraine)

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The Complete List of the Ancient Turkic Place Names in Central and Northern Europe


Aisch, a locality, municipality Adelsdorf, district of Erlangen-Höchstadt, Bavaria, Chuv uy «field», yish «family, owner, master»

Aisch, a river, lt of the Regnitz River , lt of the Main, rt of the Rhine Chuv uy «field», yish «family, owner, master»

Altona, an urban borough (Bezirk), the city state of Hamburg, Chuv yltăn «gold»

Ascha, a municipality, district of Straubing-Bogen, Bavaria Chuv ăshă «warm».

Bacharach, a town in Rhineland-Palatinate, Chuv. păhăr «copper», akh «evil spirit».

Baruth, a town, Teltow-Fläming district, Brandenburg Chuv par «to give, pay, sell», ut «a horse»

Bavaria (Bayern), a free state Chuv. payăr «proper, own».

Bayreuth, a town in northern Bavaria, Chuv payăr «own», ut «horse».

Böhl-Iggelheim, a municipality in the Rhein-Pfalz-Kreis, in Rhineland-Palatinate Chuv ikkĕle «to double», ikkĕllĕ «dual».

Borna, a town in the Free State of Saxony Chuv parne «gift, present»

Cottbus, a city in Brandenburg Chuv kat «dam, weir» and păs «to wreck, ruin».

Fürth, a city in Bavaria Chuv pürt «peasant house»

Gera, a city in Thuringia Chuv kĕrĕ «strong, solid, massive».

Gerach, a municipality, Bamberg district, Upper Franconia Chuv. kĕr «autumn», akh «evil spirit».

Gerach, a municipality, Birkenfeld district, Rhineland-Palatinate Chuv. kĕr «autumn», akh «evil spirit».

Goslar, a town in Lower Saxony Chuv kasă «village», lar «to reside, sit»

Hadamar, a town in Hessen, district Limburg-an-der Lan, Hessen чув. хăт «comfort, beauty,, luck», ămăr «warm and still».

Hartha, a town in the district of Mittelsachsen, in the Free State of Saxony Chuv khărta 1. «patch, cout». 2. «uneven places»

Hömberg, a municipality, district of Rhein-Lahn, Rhineland-Palatinate Chuv khüme «wall»

Itzehoe, a town, Schleswig-Holstein. Chuv  ĕç «work»,  khăyă 1. «light, fire»., 2. wedge

Jastorf, a village, municipality Emmendorf, district Uelzen, Lower Saxony. Chuv yăs «smoke»,  tărpa «chimney».

Jena, a city, Thuringia. Chuv  yĕnĕ «den,  lair, couch».

Jürgensby, a part of the town of Flensburg, Schleswig-Holstein. Turk. jorğa «troat, amble» (Chuv çărkha). A German name Jürgen?

Jürgenshagen, a municipality, Rostock district, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern Turk. jorğa «troat, amble» (Chuv çărkha). A German name Jürgen?

Jürgenstorf, a municipality, Mecklenburgische Seenplatte district, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Turk. jorğa «troat, amble» (Chuv çărkha). A German name Jürgen?

Jürgenstorf, a locality, Lüdersburg district, Niedersachsen Turk. jorğa «troat, amble» (Chuv çărkha). A German name Jürgen?

Jüterbog, a historic town in the Teltow-Fläming district of Brandenburg Chuv yüte «to be tired, exhausted», păk «to fall asleep, die».

Kandel, a town, district of Germersheim, Rhineland-Palatinate Chuv kăn  »potash»,  tĕl «place, locality».

Kandel, a mountain in the Black Forest in the south of Baden-Württemberg Chuv kăn  »potash»,  tĕl «place, locality».

Kiel, the capital of northern German state of Schleswig-Holstein Chuv kil «house, family, court».

Kirkel, a municipality, Saarpfalz district, Saarland Chuv khyr «pine-tree», kĕl «ashes».

Kyritz, a town in the Ostprignitz-Ruppin district, in Brandenburg Chuv kĕr «autumn», eç «work».

Lam, a municipality, district of Cham, Bavaria Chuv. lăm «moisture, dampness, mildew»

Naila, a town, Hof district, Bavaria. Chuv. năyla «to drone, hum, buse»

Nohra, a municipality, Weimarer Land district, Thuringia, dial. Chuv. (dial/) nakhra «horn, bugle».

Nohra, a municipality, district of Nordhausen, Thuringia. dial. Chuv. (dial/) nakhra «horn, bugle».

Nürnberg (at first Nuremberg), a city, Bavaria Chuv nür «moist, humid», en  «side».

Pankow, a borough of Berlin Chuv pankav «silly»

Parchim, a town in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Chuv. pĕrchĕm «stream, splashes» par «to give», khĕm «fire, flame, sparks».

Perkam, a municipality, district of Straubing-Bogen, Bavaria Chuv. pĕr «lonely, separate», kăm «ashes».

Pullach, a locality in the town of Geiselhöring, Straubing-Bogen district, Bavaria Chuv. pulăx «fertility».

Pullach, a village, the part of the town Anensberg, Lower Bawaria Chuv. pulăx «fertility».

Pullach, a locality in the municipality of Polling, district of Müldorf am Inn, Bavaria Chuv. pulăx «fertility».

Pullach, a locality in the municipality Forstern, district of Erding, Bavaria Chuv. pulăx «fertility».

Pullach, a locality in the municipality of Seeon-Seebruck, district of Traunstein, Bavaria Chuv. pulăx «fertility».

Pullach, a locality in the town of Kobelmoor, Rosenheim district, Bavaria Chuv. pulăx «fertility».

Pullach im Isartal, a municipality in the district of Munich, Bavaria Chuv. pulăx «fertility».

Pullach, a locality in the municipality of Penzing, district of Landsberg am Lech, Bavaria Chuv. pulăx «fertility».

Salem, a municipality in the Bodensee district of Baden-Württemberg Chuv selĕm «good, nice, beautiful».

Tarthun, a village and a former municipality in the district Salzlandkreis, in Saxony-Anhalt Chuv. tărta «to build a nest».

Teklenburg, a town, district of Steinfurt, North Rhine-Westphalia Chuv. tĕk «quiet, still, calm» + -el or lă (Chuv. attributive suffix)

Theres ia municipality in the district of Haßberge in Bavaria Chuv. tĕrĕs «right»

Wetzlar, a city, Hesse Chuv vĕç «finish, end», lar «to set, be,  sit».

Wutach, a rural municipality, district of Waldshut, Baden-Württemberg Chuv vut «fire»,  the affix akh forms nouns with diminutive value:

Wutach, a river, rt of the Rhine, , Baden-Württemberg Chuv vut «fire»,  the affix akh forms nouns with diminutive value:

Zorge, a municipality in the district of Osterode, in Lower Saxony Chuv çărkha (Common Turk.ic jorğa/jurğa)  «ambler, pacer».


Ärla – Chuv ĕrle «to drive, compel»

Gimo – Chuv kimĕ «boat»

Hjo – Chuv khü «to enclose, fence»

Läby – Chuv lapă «flat plot», «glade».

Onsala – Chuv an «wide», sulă «raft», «ferry».

Sala – Chuv sulă «raft», «ferry».

Sösdala – Chuv süs «hemp fiber», tăla «cloth»

Täby – Chuv tapă «watering place, pond».

Torsås – Chuv tur (tură) «devinity», sas «voice»

Uppsala – Chuv yuppi sulă «ferrying through tributary».

Västerås – Chuv vastra «swift, adroit, smart»,


Arendal – Chuv uram «street», tul «area outside a house».

Giske – Chuv kĕske «short»

Jeløy – Chuv yĕlĕ 1. rain worm. 2. tear

Kambo – Chuv kămpa «mushroom»

Mandal – Chuv măn «large, great», tul «area outside a house»

Ørmen – Chuv vărman «forest».

Son – Chuv săn 1. face. 2. view. 3. colour

Spro – Chuv săpray «the common name of tools, e.g. tools of fishery»


Basel, Switzerland – Chuv păsăl «to spoil».

Kemeten, Austria – Chuv kimĕt «to deminish , lessen, reduce», or kemet «to make scanty, poor».

Aische-en-Refail, Belgium – Chuv uy «field», yish «family, owner, master»